- Methodological report - Population exposure to noise in cities with over 100 thousand inhabitants
- Methodological report - Business tendency survey
- Methodological report - Migration of population
- Methodological report Accidents at work
- Methodological report. Benefits for the family and their beneficiaries
- Methodological report. Emergency rescue services activity
- Methodological report Employment in the national economy according to administrative data sources
- Methodological report. Gross domestic product and its elements in the regional breakdown
- Methodological report. Health and health care statistics − Statistics Poland’s reports
- Methodological report. Households condition survey (consumer attitudes)
- Methodological report. Industrial production surveys
- Methodological report. Information society indicators. Surveys on the use of information and communication technologies
- Methodological report Labour market demand for employees by occupation
- Methodological report. Monthly activity report of enterprises
- Methodological report. Nature protection
- Methodological report. Non-financial enterprises surveys 2019
- Methodological report. Non-profit organizations: associations, foundations, business and professional associations and faith-based charities
- Methodological report. Research and experimental development
- Methodological report. Statistics on labour market, wages and salaries
- Methodological report Structure of wages and salaries by occupations
- Methodological report. Supporting the family and foster care system
- Methodological report Vital statistic. Balances of population
- Methodological report Wages and salaries in the national economy