Methodological report - Households condition survey (consumer attitudes)

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Date of publication: 26.02.2021

The purpose of the households condition survey is to know the attitudes (behavior) of consumers and obtain their indicators showing changes over time. Diagnostic and prognostic indicators create the possibility of conducting structural analyzes and analyzes of consumption trends. The results of the study are used in the process of macroeconomic decisions regarding economic and social phenomena, to develop economic forecasts, including inflation.
The households condition survey provides information on consumer attitudes (behaviors) based on the opinions of respondents on the following issues: changes in the general economic situation in the country and the financial situation of households, the ability to save as well as intentions to purchase durable goods and expenses related to apartment. The information obtained from the survey is used to assess the current market situation and consumer expectations (optimism, pessimism), analyze trends and formulate short-term economic forecasts for individual consumption.

