Business tendency in manufacturing, construction, trade and services - October 2021
In most of presented kinds of activities general
business climate indicator in October is at a similar
level as in the previous month. In the majority
of researched areas deterioration of “forecast”
components has been reported, whereas “diagnostic”
ones do not change.
Average paid employment and average gross wages and salaries in enterprise sector in September 2021
In September 2021, average paid employment in enterprise sector was higher by 0.6% y/y and amounted to 6347.2 thousand, while average wages and salaries were higher by 8.7% y/y and amounted to 5841.16 PLN (gross).
Selected aspects of the labour market in Poland. Economic activity of the population before and during the COVID–19 pandemic period
The analytical publication devoted to the characteristic of the main populations and processes taking place on the Polish labour market. The year 2020 was special due to the global COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This also had a significant impact on the labour market, which, like the lens, concentrates the effects of major changes taking place in both the economy and social life.
Occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments in Poland in June and July 2021
In June 2021, 2.3 million tourists were accommodated tourist accommodation establish-ments, who were provided with 6.5 million overnight stays. Compared to June 2020, this was an increase of 71.4% and 78.6% respectively. An increase in the number of tourists, compared to the same month of the previous year, was also recorded in July 2021, when the number of overnight tourists was 32.5% higher, while the number of overnight stays provided was 32.0% higher.
Production of industrial products related to the prevention of spreading / combating COVID-19 in August 2021
In August 2021 entities having 50 or more persons employed and participating in the monthly survey of production of industrial products, reported production of 2 542 807 face masks used in medicine and 5 135 805 other protective face masks.
Financial results of cultural institutions in 1st half of 2021
In the first half of 2021 financial results of cultural
institutions increased in comparison to results
obtained in the corresponding period of the previous
year. Total revenues increased by 0.5% during this
period. Investment outlays decreased by 6.8%.
Business tendency in manufacturing, construction, trade and services - September 2021
In most of presented kinds of activities general business climate indicator in September is at a similar level as in the previous month. In the majority of researched areas deterioration of “forecast” components has been reported, whereas “diagnostic” ones improve or do not change.
Average paid employment and average gross wages and salaries in enterprise sector in August 2021
In August 2021, average paid employment in enterprise sector was higher by 0.9% y/y and amounted to 6352.0 thousand, while average wages and salaries were higher by 9.5% y/y and amounted to 5843.75 PLN (gross).
The impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on selected elements of the labour market in Poland in the second quarter of 2021
The Labour Demand Survey is conducted using a representative method on a quarterly basis. According to the scope of the survey, it covers notional economy entities and their local units employing at least 1 person. The survey shows that at the end of the second quarter of 2021, the number of occupied jobs was almost the same as at the end of the second quarter of 2020.
The demand for labour in the second quarter of 2021
At the end of the second quarter of 2021, the number of job vacancies in Poland was 142.8 thousand and was 29.6% higher than at the end of the first quarter of 2021.