Domestic deliveries and consumption of selected consumer goods per capita in 2012

Publication contains data about domestic deliveries and consumption per capita of selected consumer goods in the year 2012. The extensive information will be disseminated in publication “Internal market in 2012”(expected time of release - the end of September 2013).
Deliveries have been defined as quantity of products produced domestically (data concern economic entities employing more than 9 persons), minus their exports and plus their imports corrected by the balance of changes of stocks at producers (data concern economic entities employing more than 49 persons).
Data about production and stocks are collected basing on surveys conducted by CSO according to the Polish Classification of Products and Services— PKWiU 2008 and PRODCOM List.
Exports and imports data are obtained from the following sources:
- INTRASTAT declarations, which serve for recording of arrivals and dispatches in frames of intra-EU trade (in close connection to VAT system),
- customs declarations, which serve for registration of trade with not associated in European Union countries,
- alternative data sources applied to register specific movements of goods.
Data concerning consumption of selected consumer goods per capita were compiled as follows: production enlarged by import, reduced by export, decreases and losses of agricultural products at producers’ and in turnover including changes of stocks level at producers’ and in commercial outlets. Besides, production of raw materials is diminished by their usage for production purposes (sowing, planting, feeding, raw materials for brewery, starchworks, etc.). Calculation of 4 cereals for processed products was done by appropriate indicators of grist.
Data about consumption level were compiled using balance method and are designated for assessment of global changes of food consumption in country and cannot be directly compared with data of food products consumption in households compiled on the basis of results of households surveys.
Consumption per capita is based on a number of population data for 30 June.