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Content 30
Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture 2024
23.12.2024 -
Comprehensive information on results of agricultural production, agricultural production-economic conditions, balance production settlement of vital (major) agricultural products, supply and consumption of production means and information showing the income situation in agriculture. Update... Topics / Statistical yearbooks / Statistical Yearbooks
Consumption of fuels and energy carriers in 2023
19.12.2024 -
Analysis of data on the consumption of selected fuels and energy carriers: hard coal, natural gas, liquified petroleum gas, light fuel oil, heavy fuel oil, heat and electricity.... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Materials management in 2023
28.11.2024 -
Analysis of the phenomena related to supply and use of selected materials in terms of quantity, by CPA Rev.2.1, including consumption and stocks of materials and turnover of wastes suitable for recycling.... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry
Energy statistics in 2022 and 2023
28.11.2024 -
Analysis of the phenomena taking place in the field of energy economy, containing balances of all energy carriers included in the national energy balance. The balance sheets concern energy carriers supplied to the domestic market by existing distribution systems and carriers used for own needs by... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Domestic deliveries and consumption of selected consumer goods per capita in 2023
30.08.2024 -
In 2023 domestic deliveries1 of meat (including pork, beef, veal and poultry) amounted to 4460 thousand tonnes and were lower by 4.4% compared with the previous year. The deliveries of raw meat from animals for slaughter decreased (by 9.4%), while deliveries of poultry meat increased (by 3.0%). In... Topics / Prices, Trade / Trade
National accounts by institutional sectors and sub-sectors 2019-2022
31.07.2024 -
Analysis is the following elaboration of Polish national accounts by the institutional sectors. The publication includes detailed national accounts by the institutional sectors and sub-sectors for the years 2019-2022. Data has been compiled according to European System of National and Regional... Topics / National accounts / Annual national accounts
Energy efficiency in years 2012–2022
27.06.2024 -
Long-term analysis of energy efficiency trends by global and sectoral energy efficiency indicators (70). The indicators are a tool for assessing energy efficiency, both on a macro scale and in individual areas of the economy, allow for assessing the effects of actions and programs in the field of... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Energy 2024
24.06.2024 -
Folder containing basic information about producton and consumption of fuels, heat and electricity in 2023 in Poland.... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Culture satellite account for 2019
23.04.2024 -
The share of culture in the national economy in 2019 did not change compared to 2018 and accounted for 2.8%. Three domains dominated most of the transactions that made up the cultural satellite account: Advertising, Audio-visual arts and multimedia as well as Books and Press. The culture satellite... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Supply and use tables in 2020
28.03.2024 -
This survey provides information on the supply and use of goods and services and the economy as a whole by presenting the supply from domestic production and imports, and their use as part of intermediate consumption expenditure, individual and collective consumption expenditure, gross fixed... Topics / National accounts / Annual national accounts
Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture 2023
21.12.2023 -
Comprehensive information on results of agricultural production, agricultural production-economic conditions, balance production settlement of vital (major) agricultural products, supply and consumption of production means and information showing the income situation in agriculture. Update... Topics / Statistical yearbooks / Statistical Yearbooks
Consumption of fuels and energy carriers in 2022
20.12.2023 -
Presentation of data on the consumption of selected fuels and energy carriers: hard coal, natural gas, liquid gas, light fuel oil, heavy fuel oil, heat and electricity.... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Materials management in 2022
30.11.2023 -
Analysis of the phenomena related to supply and use of selected materials in terms of quantity, by CPA Rev.2.1, including consumption and stocks of materials and turnover of wastes suitable for recycling.... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry
Energy statistics in 2021 and 2022
28.11.2023 -
In the publication there are presented data on balances of all the energy commodities which constitute national energy balance. Information published in natural units and energy units (TJ). The balances contain data on all commercially on the auto-produced and self-consumed energy. In the... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Domestic deliveries and consumption of selected consumer goods per capita in 2022
31.08.2023 -
In 2022 domestic deliveries1 of meat (including pork, beef, veal and poultry) amounted to 4642 thousand tonnes and were higher by 6.8% compared with the previous year. The deliveries of both raw meat from animals for slaughter (by 9.1%) and poultry meat (by 3.5%) increased. In 2022 the deliveries... Topics / Prices, Trade / Trade
National accounts by institutional sectors and sub-sectors 2018–2021
28.07.2023 -
Analysis of non-financial national accounts by the institutional sectors, sub-sectors and by NACE rev.2. The publication includes detailed national accounts for the years 2018–2021 compiled according to European System of National and Regional Accounts in the European Union (ESA 2010) introduced... Topics / National accounts / Annual national accounts
Consumer tendency - July 2023
19.07.2023 -
In July 2023, there was an improvement in both current and future consumer sentiment moods compared to the previous month. The current consumer confidence indicator, syn-thetically describing the current trends in individual consumption, was -24.9 which was by 3.3 p.p. higher in relation to last... Topics / Business tendency / Business tendency
Energy efficiency in Poland 2011-2021
29.06.2023 -
Global and sector indicators of energy efficiency (70), their analysis, methodological notes, definitions of terms. Indicators constitute a tool for trend evaluation in the field of energy efficiency on macro scale as well as in individual areas of economy, enabling the evaluation of the effects... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Energy 2023
21.06.2023 -
Information booklet includes basic information concerning energy in 2021 in Poland.... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Culture satellite account for 2018
26.04.2023 -
The share of culture in the national economy accounted for 2.8%, which was mainly due to the activity of entities in Advertising domain. Audio-visual arts and multimedia as well as Books and press had also a significant share. As in 2017 these domains dominated most of the transactions that made... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Supply and use tables in 2019
31.03.2023 -
These supply and use tables form part of the system of national accounts compiled according to the SNA/ESA methodology. They play a particularly significant role of a detailed database for the products and services supply and use analysis, providing grounds for the work on the remaining accounts.... Topics / National accounts / Annual national accounts
Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture 2022
23.03.2023 -
Comprehensive information on results of agricultural production, agricultural production-economic conditions, balance production settlement of vital (major) agricultural products, supply and consumption of production means and information showing the income situation in agriculture.... Topics / Statistical yearbooks / Statistical Yearbooks
Consumption of fuels and energy carriers in 2021
22.12.2022 -
Presentation of data on the consumption of selected fuels and energy carriers: hard coal, natural gas, liquid gas, light fuel oil, heavy fuel oil, heat and electricity.... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Materials management in 2021
30.11.2022 -
Domestic balances of selected materials, consumption and stocks of selected materials, indicators of imports and exports share, share of domestic consumption in use, turnover of wastes suitable for recycling; in terms of quantity.... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry
Energy statistics in 2020 and 2021
28.11.2022 -
In the publication there are presented data on balances of all the energy commodities which constitute national energy balance. Information published in natural units and energy units (TJ). The balances contain data on all commercially on the auto-produced and self-consumed energy. In the... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Domestic deliveries and consumption of selected consumer goods per capita in 2021
31.08.2022 -
In 2021 domestic deliveries of meat (including pork, beef, veal and poultry meat) amounted to 4348 thousand tons and were higher by 3.7% compared to the previous year. The deliveries of both raw meat from animals for slaughter (by 5.4%) and poultry meat (by 1.3%) increased. In 2021 the deliveries... Topics / Prices, Trade / Trade
National accounts by institutional sectors and sub-sectors 2017–2020
29.07.2022 -
Analysis of non-financial national accounts by the institutional sectors, sub-sectors and by NACE rev.2. The publication includes detailed national accounts for the years 2017–2020 compiled according to European System of National and Regional Accounts in the European Union (ESA 2010) introduced... Topics / National accounts / Annual national accounts
Energy efficiency in Poland 2010-2020
29.06.2022 -
Global and sector indicators of energy efficiency (70), their analysis, methodological notes, definitions of terms. Indicators constitute a tool for trend evaluation in the field of energy efficiency on macro scale as well as in individual areas of economy, enabling the evaluation of the effects... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Energy 2022
21.06.2022 -
Information booklet includes basic information concerning energy in 2021 in Poland.... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Culture satellite account for 2017
29.04.2022 -
The share of culture in the national economy amounted to almost 3%, which was mainly due to the activity of entities in the domain of Advertising, followed by Audio-visual arts and multimedia, and Books and press. These areas dominated most of the transactions that made up the culture satellite... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture