Structure of wages and salaries by occupations in October 2020

In October 2020, the average monthly total gross wage and salary for employees in entities of the national economy with 10 or more employed persons[1] amounted to PLN 5 748.24. It was 22.2% higher than the median wage and salary.
The presented data come from the sample Survey on the structure of wages and salaries for October 2020. The source of the data is a survey carried out every two years on reporting units with 10 or more employed persons. The results of the survey were generalised for full-time and part-time employees (without converting part-time employees in full-time equivalent employees), but provided on a full-time equivalent basis. More information on the survey methodology can be found in Methodological report Structure of wages and salaries by occupations.
[1] Covered by the Survey on the structure of wages and salaries.