Distribution of wages and salaries in the national economy in July 2024

In July 2024, the median monthly gross wage and salary in the national economy in Poland was 19.0% lower than the average monthly gross wage and salary.
The median gross wage and salary in the national economy in July 2024 was PLN 6 641.00. This means that half of employees were paid a wage or salary not higher than this amount, and the other half received a wage or salary not lower. The value of the median wage and salary indicates gender differences – for men it amounted to PLN 6 899.50 and was PLN 485.54 higher than for women. Taking into account the age of employees, it can be noted that the highest median value occurred in the 35-44 age group and amounted to PLN 6 940.00. In terms of entity size, the highest value of the median wage and salary occurred in entities with 1 000 or more employed persons and amounted to PLN 7 946.71.