People over 50 on the labour market in 2020

In Poland, in 2020, the economic activity of people aged 50 and over was higher than in the previous year. A higher employment rate and a higher activity rate were recorded. The number of unemployed and economically inactive people decreased.
The increasing ageing of populations is a challenge for many countries around the world, including Poland. Demographic changes, such as a decrease in the total fertility rate and an increase in the average age of women giving birth to children, have a significant impact, inter alia, on the structure and size of labour resources. Statistical data indicate an increase in the number and share of elderly people in the total population. At the end of 2020, there were 14.4 million people aged 50 and over. They constituted 37.6% of the total population and in comparison with the previous year this share increased by 0.2 percentage points. The structure of the population of people aged 50 and over 50 is dominated by people aged 60-64 (18.6%).