People over 50 on the labour market in 2019

In Poland, in 2019, the economic activity of people aged 50 and over was lower than in the previous year. In this age group, the number of economically active people has decreased while the number of economically inactive people has increased. This translated into a decline in the activity rate. The unemployment rate has decreased, but at the same time there has been a slight decrease in the employment rate.
Demographic situation
Demographic determinants such as the extension of Poles' lives, decreasing total fertility, an increase in the average age of women giving birth to children, as well as an increase in the share of elderly people in the total population, have significant consequences for the labour supply, such as the reduction and ‘ageing’ of labour resources. The specificity of demographic trends and the scale of their impact affect both the size and the age structure of the labour force. The age structure of the Polish population indicates a significant share of people in the late working age and post-working age in the total population, which is directly reflected in the potential of labour resources. In view of the above, in the coming years the processes of inevitable population ageing will continue, the resources of the labour force will be declining, while the burden on people of working age with the population of post-working age will be growing.
With the ageing of the Polish population, qualitative changes in the labour market are of particular importance. Therefore, it is important to monitor the population of people aged 50 and over, i.e. in the so-called late working age in terms of their activity on the labour market.