Index numbers of sold production of industry in December 2019

In December 2019, sold production of industry was by 3.8% higher than in December 2018, when the growth was recorded by 2.9%, whereas in comparison with November 2019, it decreased by 9.4%. In the period January-December of 2019, sold production of industry was by 4.0% higher than in the corresponding period of 2018, when an increase of 5.8% was recorded.
After eliminating the seasonal factors, in December 2019 sold production of industry reached the level higher by 2.1% than in the corresponding month of 2018 and by 2.9% lower as compared to November 2019.
In most of the main industrial groupings, in December 2019, as compared to the previous year, an increase of production was recorded. The production of capital goods increased by 6.1%, non-durable consumer goods – by 4.6%, durable consumer goods – by 4.2%, intermediate goods – by 3.1%. A decrease was observed in the production of energy – by 2.5%.