Non-residential construction in 2017

In 2017 the number of new non-residential buildings completed and their useful floor area was larger than a year before. However the number of non-residential buildings for which permits have been granted or which have been registered with a construction project and their useful floor area decreased.
In 2017, 23432 new non-residential buildings were completed (against 23072 a year before) with useful floor area 13800 thous. m2 (i.e. by 5.6% more). More than 88% of the total area applied to five types of buildings (reservoirs, silos and warehouses; non-residential farm buildings; industrial buildings; wholesale and retail trade buildings; office buildings). Among them the largest demand of investors was observed for reservoirs, silos and warehouses, which completed useful floor area increased in comparison to 2016 by 40.9% and non-residential farm buildings – increase of 9.6%. Smaller demand for office buildings resulted in decrease in their useful floor area – of 28.4%, industrial buildings – of 11.9% and wholesale and retail trade buildings – of 6.4%. Area of other types of non-residential buildings not mentioned above (among others school, university and research buildings; garage buildings; hotel buildings; other short-stay accommodation buildings; hospital or institutional care buildings and other non-residential buildings) was by 1.1% larger than a year before.