Health and health care in 2015

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Date of publication: 01.03.2017
Date modified: 02.03.2017
Frequency of publication: annual edition

Results of the survey on the health condition of the population of Poland, and surveys concerning the infrastructure and functioning of the health care system, conducted under the Polish Public Statistics. In the case of the health condition of the population – information on, among others, selected diseases morbidity (e.g. infectious, malignant tumours, and mental disorders), reasons for hospitalization. In the case of healthcare infrastructure – information on, among others, the condition and operations of companies running healthcare activities, and medical practices, medical staff, including persons having the right to practise the profession and working directly with patients, entities conducting healthcare activities, with regard to in-patient and outpatient healthcare infrastructure, pharmacies, first aid and emergency medical services, and also occupational health services. Basic characteristics describing these facilities, e.g. types of entities, number of beds, ambulances, number of cases of medical advice, persons treated, length of stay in hospital wards. In addition, selected data on public expenses on health care in 2015 and results of the National Health Account in 2014. Apart from the table part: survey results synthesis, methodological remarks, explanation of terms used in the study, graphical presentation of the described phenomena.

Tables in MS Excel format can be found in the zip file.

By: voivodships, powiats, sex, age groups of patients, types of entities, types of benefits
