Health and health care in 2013

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Date of publication: 17.02.2015
Date modified: 19.02.2015
Frequency of publication: annual edition

It contains the results of the survey concerning the health condition of Poland’s population, as well as infrastructure and the functioning of the health care system, conducted within the Polish Offi cial Statistics.

As regards the health condition of the population, information concerns, among others, the incidence of selected diseases (e.g. infectious diseases, malignant neoplasms, mental diseases and disorders), and reasons for hospitalisation.

As regards the health care infrastructure, information concerns, among others, the status and activity of entities operating in health care, medical practices, and medical personnel, including persons entitled to practise medical profession and persons working directly with patients, in-patient and out-patient treatment facilities, pharmacies, fi rst aid and emergency medical services, as well as occupational medicine. The basic characteristics of these facilities is provided, e.g., types of facilities, the number of beds, places and ambulances, the number of consultations and patients, and the length of hospital stay.

Moreover, selected data on public expenditures on health care in 2013 is presented, along with the results of the National Health Account for 2012. In addition to the tabular part, there are analytical comments, methodological notes, a glossary of terms used in the compilation and a graphic presentation of the phenomena described.


Tables in MS Excel format can be found in the zip file.

By: voivodships, powiats, sex, age groups of patients, types of entities, types of benefits.
