Financial results of cultural institutions in 2021
A A AIn 2021 assets (liabilities) of the surveyed cultural institutions as of December 31, 2021 amounted to PLN 21,209.4 million. Total revenues were higher by 9.5% and total costs by 10.5% in comparison to 2020.
In 2020 assets amounted to PLN 21,209.4 million. Taking into account the size of cultural institution measured by the number of employees, 49.1% of the total value of assets belonged to entities employing between 50 to 249 people (318 entities), 25.4% of total assets belonged to entities employing between 10 to 49 people (1,607 entities), 20.5% - entities employing 250 and more people (26 entities) and 5.0% - entities employing less than 10 people (2,742 entities).
The highest value of assets was recorded in libraries, archives, museums and in entities conducting other activity in the field of culture - PLN 12,786.1 million (60.3% of the total value of assets).