Financial results of cultural institutions in 2020

In 2020 assets (liabilities) of the surveyed cultural institutions as of December 31, 2020 amounted to PLN 19,757.7 million. Total revenues were lower by 5.6% and total costs by 6.3%.
In 2020 assets amounted to PLN 19,757.7 million. Taking into account the size of cultural institution measured by the number of employees, 48.6% of the total value of assets belonged to entities employing between 50 to 249 people (309 entities ), 25.5% of total assets belonged to entities employing between 10 to 49 people (1,627 entities), 21.1% – entities employing 250 and more people (25 entities) and 4.8% – entities employing less than 10 people (2,747 entities).
The highest value of assets was recorded in libraries, archives, museums and in entities conducting other activity in the field of culture – PLN 11,944.7 million (60.5% of the total value of assets).