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Publications of the Statistics Poland


Provisional estimates of gross domestic product in regional breakdown in 2022

In 2022, more than 1/2 of the national value of gross domestic product was generated in 5 regions: Warszawski stołeczny, Śląskie, Wielkopolskie, Dolnośląskie and Małopolskie.
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Seasonal adjustment - Average paid employment and average monthly gross wages and salaries

Seasonal adjustment - Average paid employment and average monthly gross wages and salaries
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Publications of statistical offices


Statistical Yearbook of Podlaskie Voivodship 2023

Statistical Office in Białystok

The publication contains a broad set of data characterising the standard of living of population and the state of economy of the Voivodship, grouped in 21 thematic areas.
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Statistical Yearbook of Pomorskie Voivodship 2023

Statistical Office in Gdańsk

The publication contains a rich set of information grouped into 21 thematic chapters. The review tables contain selected data on the Voivodship against the countrywide background in 2022 and major information about the Voivodship in 2000, 2010, 2015 and 2022. The statistical material has been supplemented with general notes and notes to the chapters explaining the terminology, methodology and scope of information.
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Statistical Yearbook of Łódzkie Voivodship 2023

Statistical Office in Lodz

The Statistical Office in Łódź is pleased to present you with the twenty-third edition of the Statistical Yearbook of the Łódzkie Voivodship. This publication is collective and has a cognitive and contains the set of statistical information characterizing the living standards of inhabitants and the economic potential of the voivodship as well as state of the environment. As in the previous edition, detailed information on social changes and economic processes in the Łódzkie Voivodship have been grouped into 21 chapters. The statistical tables were complemented with maps and charts which enriched the substantive context of the Yearbook.
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Statistical Yearbook of Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodship 2023

Statistical Office in Olsztyn

Statistical Yearbook of Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodship 2023
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Statistical Yearbook of Wielkopolskie Voivodship 2023

Statistical Office in Poznan

Urząd Statystyczny w Poznaniu przekazuje Państwu najnowszą edycję „Rocznika Statystycznego Województwa Wielkopolskiego” – podstawowej pozycji w corocznym planie wydawniczym. Opracowanie przy pomocy liczb kreśli aktualny obraz województwa w jego sferze gospodarczej i pod kątem sytuacji społecznej. Najnowsze dane prezentowane w Roczniku dotyczą roku 2022, czyli okresu przypadającego na koniec pandemii COVID-19. Chcąc ułatwić Czytelnikom ocenę wpływu pandemii na sytuację społeczno-gospodarczą regionu, w ujęciu retrospektywnym, jako dodatkowy okres odniesienia, dodano rok 2019 – ostatni przed wprowadzeniem obostrzeń i ograniczeń epidemicznych.
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Statistical Yearbook of Mazowieckie Voivodship 2023

Statistical Office in Warszawa

Detailed statistical data are grouped into 21 thematic chapters. Some of them have been enriched with a graphical presentation of selected data for 2022 according to the Delimitation of Rural Areas (DOW) and for urban areas by size. Moreover, the population projection until 2060 is presented in the “Population” chapter. The study ends with two review tables containing major data about the Voivodship in 2000, 2010, 2015 and 2022, as well as selected information about the Voivodship compared to the country in 2022.
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Panorama of Warsaw districts in 2022

Statistical Office in Warszawa

The publication presents statistical data for 2022 that characterise the demographic and socio-economic situation of the districts of the Capital City of Warsaw and is a supplement to the Statistical Yearbook of Warsaw.
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Statistical Yearbook of Warsaw 2023

Statistical Office in Warszawa

Detailed statistical data were grouped in 21 thematic chapters preceded by general notes containing explanations regarding the terminology, methodology and scope of information. The statistical material is enriched with a graphic illustration in the form of charts and cartograms. The publication was prepared in the Polish-English language version.
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Statistical Yearbook of Dolnośląskie Voivodship 2023

Statistical Office in Wroclaw

The Statistical Office in Wrocław is pleased to present the next edition of the “Statistical Yearbook of Dolnośląskie Voivodship”. The publication contains a rich set of information characterising the standard of living of the society and the state of the voivodship’s economy.
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Statistical Yearbook of Wrocław City 2023

Statistical Office in Wroclaw

The most recent data presented in this edition of the Yearbook cover the period at the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. To facilitate the assessment of the impact the pandemic had on the situation in Wrocław, the year 2019 has been adopted as a new reference period in the publication. Detailed information regarding social transformations and processes occurring in the city’s economy has been compiled into 20 thematic sections. Additionally, information from the results of the National Population and Housing Census 2021 is included, covering aspects such as people with disabilities.
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Publications outside official statistics

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