December 2014
Publications of the Statistics Poland
The Third Sector In Poland. Associations, Foundations, Faith-Based Charities, Professional And Business Associations, Employers’ Organizations In 2012
It contains data describing foundations, associations and similar social organizations, faith-based charities, employers’ organizations, and professional and business self-governments, concerning their economic and social potential ...
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Inland waterways transport in Poland in 2010-2013
It contains information on inland waterways, inland waterway transport fl eet, inland waterway transport of goods and passengers, economic relations in enterprises, investment outlays, employment, wages and salaries, as well as information on the national and international transport relations by groups of transported goods.
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Housing Construction I-III quarter of 2014
It describes dwellings completed by forms of construction (cooperative, company, municipal, individual, intended for sale or rental, and public building society), an average duration of construction of residential buildings, cubic volume of residential buildings completed, methods of erecting buildings, and buildings by the number of fl oors.
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Tourist accommodation establishments in Poland in 2013
Tourist accommodation establishments in Poland in 2013
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Foreign trade turnover in total and by countries January – October 2014
From January to October 2014, the export express in current prices equaled 568,3 mrd (American: billion) PLN, and import 573,0 mrd PLN.
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Information on socio-economic situation of voivodships No.3/2014
Basic information describing the socio-economic condition of voivodships. All featured categories are presented in dynamic terms, as well as in relation to the average values for the country in quarterly periods and in increasing periods.
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Retirement and other pensions in 2013
It presents changes in the number of persons receiving benefi ts, gross amounts of benefi ts and the average gross amount of benefi ts by types (retirement pays, pensions resulting from the inability to work and family pensions), the dynamics of the observed changes and the relation to average monthly wages and salaries within the non-agricultural social security system (the integration of data from the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), the Ministry of National Defence (MON), the Ministry of the Interior (MSW) and the Ministry of Justice (MS)), as well as the social insurance system for farmers (data from the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (KRUS)). It provides the comparison of the average retirement pay and disposable income of households of retirees with social and subsistence minimum. The general characteristics of households of retired persons and retirees is also included.
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Outlays and results in industry in I-III quater in 2014
It describes output, turnover, new orders, employment, average monthly gross wages and salaries, working time, price indices, investment outlays, current assets, sources of asset fi nancing, fi nancial indices, enterprises by value of average monthly gross wages and salaries, and by net turnover profi tability rate.
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Price indices of consumer goods and services and exchange rates in November 2014
Price indices of consumer goods and services
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Price indexes of consumer goods and services for November 2014
Price indexes of consumer goods and services for November 2014 was 99.8 (prices decreased by 0.2%)
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Average paid employment and average gross wages and salaries in enterprise sector in November 2014
Average paid employment and average gross wages and salaries in enterprise sector in November 2014
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Average monthly gross wage and salary in enterprise sector in November 2014
Average monthly gross wage and salary in enterprise sector in November 2014 was PLN 4004,80
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Average monthly wage and salary in enterprise sector excluding payments from profit in November 2014
Average monthly wage and salary in enterprise sector excluding payments from profit in November 2014 was PLN 4004,29
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Housing construction - November 2014
According to preliminary data, in the period of January-November 2014, 127595 dwellings were completed, i.e. by 1.2% less than in the corresponding period of 2013 and by 6.0% less than in 2012 respectively.
In the period of eleven months of 2014, the number of dwellings for which building permits have been granted amounted to 144404, i.e. by 14.3% more than in the corresponding period 2013 (in which a drop by 17.6% was recorded). The number of dwellings in which the construction has begun also increased to 139547, i.e. by 15.3% against a drop by 11.2% the year before.
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Price indices of sold production of industry and construction and assembly production in November 2014
According to preliminary data, the prices of sold production of industry in November 2014 were of 0.5% lower than in the previous month. The drop of prices was recorded in manufacturing (of 0.6%), of which in manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products (of 5.2%).
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Index numbers of industrial and construction-assembly production in November 2014
Index numbers of industrial and construction-assemAccording to the preliminary data, sold production of industry in constant prices (in enterprises employing more than 9 persons), in November of 2014, was by 0.3% higher than in the previous year (when an increase by 2.9% was recorded) and by 7.5% lower than in October of 2014.bly production in real time (constant prices)
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Economic activity of entities with foreign capital in 2013
It provides the characterisation of the size and structure, as well as economic activity of entities with foreign capital participation.
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Production of major industrial products - November 2014
Information on the quantity of manufactured production of selected industrial products by PKWiU/PRODPOL (nomenclature for testing industrial products for monthly reporting), including production of final products for sale as well as for further processing within an enterprise, manufactured from own and commissioned material.
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Statistical Bulletin No 11/2014
It contains basic indices of the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the monthly, quarterly and annual series, including, among others, the national accounts, information on demography, the labour market, wages and salaries, social benefits, prices, money supply, public finances and finances of non-financial enterprises, investment outlays, agriculture, industry, construction, transport, domestic and foreign trade, along with monthly or quarterly data characterising the socio-economic situation of voivodships and EU countries.
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Information on socio-economic situation of the country in November of 2014
It provides a short-term analysis of phenomena and processes in the national economy, including monthly, quarterly and annual information, among others, on the labour market, prices, wages and salaries, basic areas of the national economy (agriculture, industry, construction, the domestic market, transport), foreign trade, money supply and public fi nances. Moreover, information published on a quarterly basis concerns GDP estimates, demographic processes, fi nancial results of non-fi nancial enterprises, investment outlays, business services, communications, the Stock Exchange, as well as the situation in selected countries in the world. The tabular part includes selected indices of the socio-economic situation of the country and basic macroeconomic indicators for the EU member states, OECD countries and selected developing countries.
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Polish Insurance Market 2013
It contains information on the activity of the insurance sector in Poland in comparison with socio-economic conditions, and the analysis of the fi nancial results of fi nancial insurance establishments. The basic trends occurring in the insurance sector, both globally and in EU countries, are presented.
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Monitoring of banks 2013
It contains information on the activity and financial results of the Polish banking sector in comparison with macroeconomic conditions and the situation on the financial markets in Poland and in the world. The information presented concerns mainly the development trends of the banking sector, the analysis of the financial results of Polish banks and indicators deterrmining their financial standing.
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Prices in the National Economy - November 2014
Dynamics and levels of prices in essential areas of the national economy. The results are presented as data series (price indices and levels) in tables, in Excel format, constituting databases for a particular thematic area (agriculture, industry, construction, services, retail market, export, import). Constant supply of data, in monthly, quarterly, cumulative and annual periods. The data comes from statistical surveys of the Central Statistical Office and other institutions participating in the integral system of official statistics.
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Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Poland 2014
The Central Statistical Office hereby presents you with the seventy-second edition of the Statistical Yearbook which contains compiled statistical information on the living standards of the society and on the state of the Polish economy. The publication also provides a comprehensive set of data on international comparisons.
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Fixed assets in National Economy in 2013
It provides the value of fixed capital formation, along with data on the accounting value of completed and liquidated gross and net fixed assets.
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Employment, wages and salaries in national economy in I-III quarters of 2014
It describes working persons, employed persons and their nominal and real wages and salaries, as well as time worked, and licences for work issued to foreigners
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Foreign trade. I-IX 2014
It describes foreign trade turnover by sections of CN, SITC and PKWiU by country groups, as well as the structure of exports and imports by particular countries, and transaction price indices.
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Publications of statistical offices
Inland waterways in Poland in the years 2010-2013
Statistical Office in Szczecin
The elaboration comprises information on inland waterways, inland waterway transport fleet, cargo and passenger transport as well as economic relations and investment outlays in Polish inland waterway transport entities. Additionally, the publication has been supplemented with data regarding inland waterways in the European Union countries and economic aspects of environmental protection with reference to water management
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Mazowieckie voivodship in figures 2014
Statistical Office in Warszawa
Mazowieckie voivodship in figures
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