Civil Service Day – February 17

Civil Service Day is celebrated in countries around the world to honour public sector employees and their contribution to the development of a well-functioning state. The date and nature of the celebration vary from country to country. In Poland, this important day for the Civil Service Corps is being celebrated for the first time on February 17, instead of November 11, as before. The date change is due to an amendment to the Civil Service Act (Journal of Laws 2022, item 1691, as amended). It is the anniversary of the passing of the Law on the State Civil Service by the II Republic's Parliament (17.02.1922).
Civil Service Day is also an opportunity to emphasise the importance of professional ethics, integrity and service to citizens, which are the fundamental values of the civil service. It is an important day for all those who work for the public good and serve the public in various fields, such as education, health or official statistics.
The Civil Service Corps consists of nearly 120,000 people whose job is to ensure the effective operation of the state administration. They are professionals in their fields, who are loyal to the state and kind to citizens. We extend our warmest wishes to all members of the Civil Service Corps for the satisfaction of a job well done for the common good!