Publication Structural changes of groups of entities of the national economy located in the border area in Poland in the years 2021-2022

Entities of the national economy registered in the National Official Business Register, REGON. Characteristics of entities by legal forms, ownership sectors, type of predominant activity and location, selected PKD 2007 sections.

Statistics in focus Transport of goods and passengers in 2022

In 2022, compared to the previous year, there was an increase in the number of passenger transported in all modes of transport, except maritime transport. However, the volume of transported goods and the transport performance remained at a similar level.

Statistics in focus Therapeutic activities of health resort facilities and inpatient rehabilitation facilities in 2022

At the end of 2022, there were operating 254 health resort facilities. 819.9 thousand patients were admitted to health resort facilities during a year, of which 742.0 thousand were inpatients. 74.5 thousand inpatients were treated in 44 inpatient rehabilitation facilities.

Publication Energy consumption in households in 2021

The publication contains detailed information on the energy consumption quantities and values, including the energy from the renewable sources, as well as on the household energy consumption by the purpose of use, on the ownership of the energy consuming devices and on the structural factors which influence the consumption characteristics. The information on fuel consumption by the passenger cars used in households is also presented.

Statistics in focus Employed persons in the national economy in Poland in December 2022

As at the last day of December 2022 in the national economy there were 15 209.7 thousand employed persons.

Publication Poland in figures 2023

Brochure containing the basic information concerning the social situation and the economic condition of Poland in 2020 and in previous years.
1    78  79  80  81  82  83  84  85  86    543
