65th anniversary of the Household Budget Survey

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This year marks the 65th anniversary of the Household Budget Survey. This survey is a basic source of information on the level and structure of expenditure and income of surveyed households, consumption of basic foodstuffs, housing conditions and subjective assessment of material situation. Data obtained from the survey of household budgets enable analyses of the living conditions of the population and the assessment of the impact of various factors on the formation of the level and diversity of the material situation of basic groups of households. In addition, the survey provides the necessary data used to: create weights for the calculation of consumer price indices, determine the index of the cost of living of households, determine the level of the minimum wage, set the rates of fees for municipal waste collected and collected selectively by municipalities, as well as calculate indicators of economic poverty, develop simulation models for the tax burden of households and social benefits.

The number of households surveyed has fluctuated over the years, from just over a thousand in the early years of the survey to over 37,000 in 2017. The survey would not have been possible without the participation and commitment of the respondents, so we are keeping our fingers crossed for a high turnout. Every household counts. To all respondents taking part in the Household Budget Survey, thank you for your participation!

More information: https://stat.gov.pl/badania-statystyczne/badania-ankietowe/badania-spoleczne/badanie-budzetow-gospodarstw-domowych-bbgd/

