Statistics in focus Foreign trade turnover in total and by countries January – October 2014

From January to October 2014, the export express in current prices equaled 568,3 mrd (American: billion) PLN, and import 573,0 mrd PLN.

Tourist accommodation establishments in Poland in 2013

Tourist accommodation establishments in Poland in 2013

Publication Regulation (EU) No 1260/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 November 2013 on European demographic statistics

This Regulation establishes a common legal framework for the development, production and dissemination of European statistics on population and vital events.

Publication Housing Construction I-III quarter of 2014

It describes dwellings completed by forms of construction (cooperative, company, municipal, individual, intended for sale or rental, and public building society), an average duration of construction of residential buildings, cubic volume of residential buildings completed, methods of erecting buildings, and buildings by the number of fl oors.

Publication Culture in 2013

Network and activity of cultural institutions and other units conducting cultural activity; theatres, music and entertainment institutions, cinemas, museums and paramuseum institutions, public libraries and art galeries. Data on publishing and film production as well as radio and television subscribers, licences granted for radio and television activity as well as on historical monuments. Selected information on financing culture and expenditures on culture incurred by households.

Census Hub


Publication Inland waterways transport in Poland in 2010-2013

It contains information on inland waterways, inland waterway transport fl eet, inland waterway transport of goods and passengers, economic relations in enterprises, investment outlays, employment, wages and salaries, as well as information on the national and international transport relations by groups of transported goods.

Publication Production and foreign trade of agricultural products in 2013

Results of plant and animal production (in value and quantity terms). Production of major products of food industry. Imports and exports of some agricultural products and food industry products. Consumption of selected consumer goods.

Publication Environment 2014

A full scope of statistical survey results presented synthetically, functioning subsystems of National Environmental Monitoring Authority and administrative sources characterising the condition, threats and environmental protection in 2013 in comparison to the previous years. Data concern natural conditions and individual components of environment, i.e., wastes, radiation and noise, health consequences of environmental degradation, activity serving environmental protection and control, economic aspects of environmental protection, including investment outlays and material effects and current expenditure.
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