Publication Education in the school year 2013/2014

Information on pre-primary education institutions, primary schools, lower secondary schools, basic vocational schools, technical secondary schools, specialized secondary schools, general secondary schools, art schools, post-secondary schools, special schools. The presentation of data on schools, students, graduates, teachers, sections, grades, classrooms as well as pre-primary education and selected forms of child and youth care. Apart from tabular part, analytical commentary, methodological notes.

Publication Health care in households in 2013

It contains the results of a cyclical voluntary sample survey conducted on a sample of households covered by the Household Budget Surveys, including methodological notes and a comprehensive analytical comment.

Statistics in focus Foreign trade turnover in total and by countries January – November 2014

From January to November 2014, the export express in current prices equaled 629,0 mrd (American: billion) PLN, and import 636,2 mrd PLN.

Publication Statistical Yearbook of the Regions - Poland 2014

A broad set of statistical data describ Poland’s socio-economic situation in spatial terms. Information about voivodships and selected data on powiats and subregions according to NTS’s nomenclature, facilitating comparisons and analyses of regional diversity of phenomena. Statistical material supplemented with a set of maps and charts.

Publication Energy from renewable sources in 2013

The use of the energy from renewable sources in Polish economy. Balances of energy carriers from renewable sources in 2013 and in previous years. Electricity and heat production from renewable sources. Maximum capacity of devices using renewable sources to produce electricity. Poland in comparison with other EU countries, selected data for the years 2008–2013.

Publication Statistical Yearbook of Maritime Economy 2014

It contains comprehensive statistical information presenting the condition of maritime economy in 2013 in comparison with previous years. It provides information characterising maritime economy in the context of the national economy, along with statistical data on the maritime economy entities, working persons, employment, wages and salaries, investment outlays, fixed assets and finances, load traffic, flow of passengers and ships in seaports, maritime and coastal transport fleet and transport by Polish maritime carriers, accidents and sea rescue, ship production and renovation, sea fishing and fish processing, maritime training and education, as well as the protection of the maritime environment. Basic information on maritime economy in the international context is also included.

Publication Foreign trade. I-IX 2014

It describes foreign trade turnover by sections of CN, SITC and PKWiU by country groups, as well as the structure of exports and imports by particular countries, and transaction price indices.

Publication Employment, wages and salaries in national economy in I-III quarters of 2014

It describes working persons, employed persons and their nominal and real wages and salaries, as well as time worked, and licences for work issued to foreigners

Publication Activity of non-financial enterprises in 2013

Characteristics of the population of non-financial enterprises (regardless of their size) and basic information on the results obtained from their economic activity. The presented data include: number and structure of a surveyed population, including the years of performing activity by these entities (size, legal form, type of conducted activity and localisation); number and structure of employed persons, taking into account proprietors, employed persons as well as wages and salaries; revenues and costs, outlays incurred on fixed assets and gross value of fixed assets.

Publication Fixed assets in National Economy in 2013

It provides the value of fixed capital formation, along with data on the accounting value of completed and liquidated gross and net fixed assets.
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