Statistics in focus Employed persons in the national economy in Poland in January 2024

As at the last day of January 2024 in the national economy there were 15 064.8 thousand employed persons. The mean age was 42.7 years, the median age was 42.0 years.

Statistics in focus Daily time use for population in 2023

In 2023, another Time Use Survey was conducted. It provided information about the use of time available to Polish residents in various areas of life.

Statistics in focus Financial results of investment fund companies in 2023

The value of total assets acumulated by investment fund companies at the end of 2023 amounted to PLN 3.2 billion and was by 18.7% higher than at the end of the previous year.

Publication Selected entrepreneurship indicators in 2018–2022

Long-term analysis of the entities with different growth potential, such as high-growth, growth, stable, declining and rapidly declining, distinguished from the population of non-financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, that keep books of accounts. Basic data including revenues, costs, outlays on tangible fixed assets, total fixed assets, number of persons employed, wages and salaries as well as selected indicators were presented for these groups. Moreover, for the population of non-financial active, newly-born (“births”) and liquidated (“deaths”) non-financial enterprises there were presented basic variables from the business demography.

Statistics in focus Environment in 2023

In 2023, a decrease was noticed in water withdrawal for the needs of the national economy and population (by approximately 12%) and the amount of generated industrial and municipal wastewater (by approximately 13%) compared to the previous year. There was a reduction of emission of particulate pollutants from plants of significant nuisance to air quality by 21% and gaseous pollutants of more than 15%. There was a reduction of the amount of total waste generated by 4% - there was a decline of industrial waste by 5%.

Statistics in focus Activity of leasing companies in 2023

The survey covered 84 enterprises conducting leasing activity in 2023. Throughout 2023, the surveyed enterprises concluded 599 thousand new lease agreements for 726 thousand of items (assets) leased. The value of concluded contracts in 2023 amounted to PLN 84.2 bil-lion.

Statistics in focus Municipal infrastructure – water supply and sewage system in 2023

In Poland in 2023 the length of the sewage network increased by 3.9 thousand km (by 2.2%), and the number of sewage connections to residential buildings by 114.8 thousand pcs (by 2.9%).

Statistics in focus Occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments in the first quarter of 2024

In the first quarter of 2024, 7.1 million tourists were accommodated in tourist accommodation establishments, with 17.4 million overnight stays provided to them. Compared to the first quarter of 2023, the number of tourists staying in accommodation establishments increased by 0.7%, while the number of overnight stays provided to them increased by 0.3%.

Publication Energy efficiency in years 2012–2022

Long-term analysis of energy efficiency trends by global and sectoral energy efficiency indicators (70). The indicators are a tool for assessing energy efficiency, both on a macro scale and in individual areas of the economy, allow for assessing the effects of actions and programs in the field of energy efficiency.

Publication Quarterly national accounts of gross domestic product 2019-2023

Basic information on national accounts by quarter. It covers quarterly estimates of gross domestic product (GDP) for the years 2019 – 2023 prepared in accordance with the rules of the European System of National and Regional Accounts in the European Union (ESA 2010), introduced by the Regulation No 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) of 21 May 2013.
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