Information on the size and directions of emigration for temporary stay from Poland in 2018-2023

Satistics Poland presents an estimation of the number of Polish residents temporarily staying abroad for at least 12 months in 2018-2023 (the stock of Polish immigrants in other countries). These data are not migration flow – the total number of departures (Poles leaving their homeland) in particular years, and as such cannot be summed up.
The presented results for 2018-2022 are a revision of previously published estimates. The presented results for 2023 are projected values.
According to the estimation at the end of 2023, around 1,555 thousand of permanent residents of Poland temporarily stayed outside the country, which is 43 thousand more than in 2022. There were approximately 1,496 thousand Polish emigrants in Europe (42 thousand more than in 2022), most of them - around 867 thousand - stayed in the EU member states. The higher number of Polish emigrants resided in Great Britain (440 thousand), Germany (436 thousand), Netherlands (128 thousand), Norway (80 thousand) and Ireland (68 thousand).
- According to the estimation at the end of 2023, around 1,555 thousand of permanent residents of Poland temporarily stayed outside the country, which is 43 thousand less than in 2022. There were approximately 1,467 thousand Polish emigrants in Europe (42 thousand less than in 2022), most of them - around 896 thousand - stayed in the EU member states.
- According to the estimation at the end of 2023, around 1,555 thousand of permanent residents of Poland temporarily stayed outside the country, which is 43 thousand more than in 2022. There were approximately 1,467 thousand Polish emigrants in Europe (42 thousand more than in 2022), most of them - around 896 thousand - stayed in the EU member states.