Statistics in focus Information note Gross Domestic Product in the 1st quarter of 2016 Preliminary estimate

In the 1st quarter of 2016 seasonally adjusted gross domestic product (GDP) (constant prices, reference year 2010) was lower by 0.1 % than in the previous quarter and 2.6 % higher than in the 1st quarter of the previous year. Seasonally unadjusted GDP (constant average prices of the previous year) was higher by 3.0 % than in the corresponding quarter of the previous year. The result presented has not been changed compared to the GDP flash estimate for the 1st quarter of 2016, released on 13 May 2016.

Publication Procurement and prices of agricultural products in 2015

Basic information on the level of agricultural product purchases (quantitative and by value) by product groups. Information on purchase prices and prices obtained by farmers at marketplaces.

Publication Poland in figures 2016

A folder containing the basic information concerning the social situation and the economic condition of Poland in 2015 and in the previous years, as well as selected data on EU Member States in 2015.

Communique/Announcements Price index of investment outlays in the first quarter of 2016

Price index of investment outlays in the first quarter of 2016 was 100.1 (the prices increased by 0.1%)

Publication Structural changes of groups of entities of the national economy located in the border area the external border of the European Union in Poland in 2015

Entities of the national economy in the National Offical Business Register REGON. A characterisation of entities by legal form, ownership sector, type of major busines and location, selected sections of PKD.

Publication Information on socio-economic situation of the country in April 2016

It provides a short-term analysis of phenomena and processes in the national economy, including monthly, quarterly and annual information, among others, on the labour market, prices, wages and salaries, basic areas of the national economy (agriculture, industry, construction, the domestic market, transport), foreign trade, money supply and public finances.

Statistics in focus Quarterly information on the labour market in the 1st quarter of 2016

Quarterly information on the labour market presents provisional data on the employed, unemployed, and economically inactive gathered from the sample Labour Force Survey in the 1st quarter of 2016 as compared to the results of the surveys conducted in the 4th quarter of 2015 and 1st quarter of 2014 and 2015.

Publication Statistical Bulletin No 4/2016

It contains basic indices of the socio-economic situation of the country

Publication Production of major industrial products April 2016

Information on the quantity of manufactured production of selected industrial products by PKWiU/PRODPOL (nomenclature for testing industrial products for monthly reporting), including production of final products for sale as well as for further processing within an enterprise, manufactured from own and commissioned material.

Communique/Announcements Price of one square meter of usable floor space of a residential building in the first quarter of 2016

Price of one square meter of usable floor space of a residential building in the first quarter of 2016 was PLN 4177.
1    493  494  495  496  497  498  499  500  501    584
