Publication Small and medium non-financial enterprises in Poland 2009-2013

Small and medium enterprises constitute an important part of the whole sector of enterprises, not only due to their number, but also their role in the economy – crucial in many respects.

Communique/Announcements Price indexes of consumer goods and services for May 2015

Price indexes of consumer goods and services for May 2015 was 100.0 as related to April 2015 (prices remained on the same level).

Statistics in focus Foreign trade turnover in total and by countries January - April 2015

In the period of January – April 2015, exports at current prices amounted to PLN 240913.8 mln, while imports amounted to PLN 232176.1 mln. The positive balance reached the level of PLN 8737.7 mln, while in the previous year minus PLN 1052.2 mln. In comparison to the corresponding period of the 2014, exports increased by 6.1% and imports by 1.8%.

Publication Information on socio-economic situation of voivodships No.1/2015

Basic information describing the socio-economic condition of voivodships. All featured categories are presented in dynamic terms, as well as in relation to the average values for the country in quarterly periods and in increasing periods.

Publication Energy 2015

This information booklet includes basic information concerning energy in 2014 in Poland.

Publication Housing Construction I quarter of 2015

It describes dwellings completed by forms of construction (cooperative, company, municipal, individual, intended for sale or rental, and public building society), an average duration of construction of residential buildings, cubic volume of residential buildings completed, methods of erecting buildings, and buildings by the number of fl oors. The number of permits issued for the construction of dwellings and new residential buildings, the number of dwellings started, dwellings under construction, permits for the construction of new non-residential buildings and other construction facilities are also included.

Publication Population. Size and structure of population and vital statistics in Poland by territorial divison. As of December 31, 2014

It contains data on the size and structure of the population by sex and age in all local and administrative units of the country as of December 31, 2014. By: regions, voivodships, subregions, powiats, gminas – divided into the urban and rural population.

Publication Poland in figures 2015

This information booklet includes basic information on the socioeconomic situation of the country in 2014 and in preceding years, as well as selected data concerning EU countries in 2014.
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