Publication Poland in figures 2024

Folder containing basic information about the social situation and the economic condition of Poland in 2023 and in previous years.

Statistics in focus Flash estimate of the consumer price index in May 2024

Consumer prices according to the flash estimate in May 2024, compared with the corresponding month of the previous year, increased by 2,5% (price index 102,5) and as related to the previous month increased by 0,1% (price index 100,1).

Statistics in focus Transport of goods and passengers in 2023

In 2023, compared to the previous year, the number of passengers transported by all modes, except maritime transport, increased. On the other hand, the total volume of goods and the tonne-kilometres performed decreased slightly.

Statistics in focus Spring assessment of the condition of agricultural and horticultural crops in 2024

0.1%.The current year's sown area of basic cereals with cereal mixtures is preliminary estimated to be smaller than last year's (after taking into account the area plowed up due to winter damage) at about 5.7 million hectares (a reduction of about 1.6%).

Publication Procurement and prices of agricultural products in 2023

Basic information on the level of purchase of agricultural products (in terms of quantity and value) by products groups. Information on procurement prices and prices obtained by farmers on marketplaces.

Statistics in focus Activity of centres of culture, cultural centres and establishments, clubs and community centres in 2023

As of the end of 2023, there were 3,961 centres of culture, cultural establishments, cultural centres, clubs and community centres. During the year these entities organised 258.8 thousand events, in which 33.5 million participants took part.

Statistics in focus Health activities of health resort facilities and inpatient rehabilitation facilities in 2023

At the end of 2023, there were operating 257 health resort facilities. 903.8 thousand patients were admitted to health resort facilities during a year, of which 819.2 thousand were inpatients. 73.0 thousand inpatients were treated in 48 inpatient rehabilitation facilities.

Statistics in focus Employed, unemployed and economically inactive persons (preliminary LFS results) - the first quarter of 2024

In the first quarter of 2024, economically active persons accounted for 58.5% of the population2 aged 15-89. This indicator was lower both compared to the fourth quarter of 2023 (by 0.4 pp.) and the first quarter of 2023 (by 0.3 pp.). The activity rate among men amounted to 65.8% and among women 51.7%.
1    44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51  52    582
