Average paid employment and average gross wages and salaries in enterprise sector in February 2019
In February 2019, average paid employment in enterprise sector was higher by 2.9% y/y and amounted to 6378.0 thousand, and average gross wages and salaries were higher by 7.6% y/y and amounted to 4949.42 zł.
Price index of consumer goods and services in January 2019
Price index of consumer goods and services in January 2019 as related to December 2018 amounted to 99,8 (price decrease of 0,2%).
Tourists in tourist accommodation establishments. January 2019
Foreign and domestic tourists using the accommodation base and granted accommodation in tourist accommodation facilities with 10 or more beds.
Price indexes of consumer goods and services for February 2019
Price index of consumer goods and services in February 2019 as related to January 2019 amounted to 100,4 (price increase of 0,4%).
Price indices of consumer goods and services in February 2019
Consumer prices in February 2019, as related to the previous month, increased by 0,4% (of which services
– by 0,6%, and goods – by 0,2%).
Compared with the corresponding month of the previous year, consumer prices increased by 1,2% (of which services – by 2,3% and goods – by 0,9%).
Structural changes of groups of the national economy entities in the REGON register, 2018
Number of entities in the national economy in the REGON register, number of newly registered and de-registered entities by selected characteristics, e.g. legal forms.
Foreign trade turnover of goods in total and by countries in January 2019
Foreign trade turnover in January this year according to exports at current prices amounted to PLN 77.6 bn, while imports amounted to PLN 77.8 bn. The negative balance reached the level of PLN 0.2 bn, while the same period last year was positive and amounted to PLN 2.1 bn. In comparison to the corresponding period of the 2018, exports incteased by 4.6%, and imports by 2.0%.
Non-financial enterprises established in 2013-2017
An analysis of the population of newly established entities according to the status of their legal and economic activity, manner of establishment and difficulties faced by entrepreneurs. Number of entities, the structure and basic characteristics of the studied population. Also information on factors affecting the scale of business activities and data on revenue, spending, financial performance of enterprises in their first five years on the market. Analysis also includes past and planned investment input and prospects for development of new enterprises.