The Sejm adopted the draft bill on the Agricultural Census 2020
July 31 this year The Sejm adopted the bill on the Agricultural Census 2020, the bill was submitted to the Senate.
Production of industrial products in 2018
The production of selected industrial products, manufactured by entites with the number of persons employed exceeding 9(finished goods and semi-finished products in total, intended for sales, as well as for further processing within the company, from own and provided raw material). Sold production of industrial products. The production of selected industrial products in Poland compared to other European Union countries.
National accounts by institutional sectors and sub-sectors 2014-2017
The publication is the following elaboration of Polish national accounts by the institutional sectors. The publication includes detailed national accounts by the institutional sectors and sub-sectors for the years 2014–2017. Data has been compiled according to European System of National and Regional Accounts in the European Union (ESA 2010) introduced by Regulation No 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) of 21 May 2013.
Life expectancy tables of Poland 2018
Tables for population lifespan according to gender and age, broken down into urban and rural areas. Average lifespan by regions, voivodships and subregions. Analytical commentary with a graphic presentation, as well as a description of calculation methods.
Flash estimate of the consumer price index in July 2019
Consumer prices according to the flash estimate in July 2019, compared with the previous month, remained at the same level (price index 100,0), and compared with the corresponding month of the previous year increased by 2,9% (price index 102,9).
Poland in the European Union 2019
Brochure, presenting in a concise and transparent form a cross-sectional collection of information illustrating living standard and economy of Poland as compared to other European Union members.
Real estate sales in 2018
525.1 thous. notarial deeds relating to real estate sales were concluded in 2018, by 7.6% more than in the previous year. Compared to 2017 the highest increase in the number of notarial deeds concerned sales of properties buit-up with residential buildings (by 12.5%), sales of premises (by 9.7%), sales of land properties (by 9.7%) and sales of other properties (by 6.8%).
Labour force survey in Poland I quarter 2019
Level of professional activity of the population, according to socio-demographic features. The employed according to professional features, paid employment status, work time. Unemployment characteristics (duration, methods of searching for work, professional past), and the situation of the disabled on the labour market. Reasons for professional inactivity.
Foreign trade turnover of goods in total and by countries in 2018
Foreign trade turnover in 2018 according to final data, exports at current prices amounted to PLN 951.3 bn, while imports amounted to PLN 970.8 bn.
Agriculture in 2018
An assessment of situation in agriculture in regard to changes in production and economic conditions and production performance (harvest volume, trends in farm animal numbers and production and market supply of animal products), including consumption of means of production.