Outlays and results in industry – I quarter 2019
Production, turnover, new orders, paid employment, average monthly gross wages and salaries, time worked, price indicators, investment outlays, current assets, sources of property financing, company financial indicators according to the average monthly gross wages and according to the net turnover profitability ratio.
Average monthly wage and salary in enterprise sector excluding payments from profit in May 2019
Average monthly wage and salary in enterprise sector excluding payments from profit in May 2019 was PLN 5054.10
Average paid employment and average gross wages and salaries in enterprise sector in May 2019
In May 2019, average paid employment in enterprise sector was higher by 2.7% y/y and amounted to 6380.2 thousand, and average gross wages and salaries were higher by 7.7% y/y and amounted to 5057.82 PLN.
MIGRATIONS AND DEMOGRAPHICAL SITUATION OF POLAND a conference of the Government Population Council
Warsaw, June 25, 2019
Do you think about master's studies? Think about EMOS
European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS) is an educational programme implemented under the patronage of Eurostat. EMOS is an additional programme path for master's studies, mainly in economics, covering widely understood statistical issues.
Employing the EU methodology to define Labour Market Areas in Poland
The publication is a result of the Eurostat – European Commission grant No. 08141.2015.001-2015.497 titled ‘Employing the EU methodology to define Labour Market Areas in Poland’ whose project leader was the Statistical Office in Bydgoszcz. The goal of the project was to employ the EU methodology to define Labour Market Areas in Poland.
Communication on price index of consumer goods and services in May 2019
The price index of consumer goods and services in May 2019 as related to April 2019 amounted to 100,2 (price increase of 0,2%).
Consumer price indices in May 2019
Consumer prices in May 2019, as related to the previous month, increased by 0,2% (with an increase of prices of goods – by 0,6% and a decrease of prices of services – by 0,9%).
Poland in the European Union. A statistical portrait
In 2019, it has been 15 years since Poland’s accession to the European Union. On this occasion, we present you with the publication "Poland in the European Union. A statistical portrait".