Publication Industry - results of activity in 2019

Production, employment, average monthly gross wages, prices indices, investment outlays, current assets, financial indicators, industrial enterprises by amount of average monthly gross wages and salaries and by profitability rate of net turnover.

Statistics in focus Municipal infrastructure in 2019

In 2019, the length of the sewage system in Poland increased by over 4.4 thousand km (by 2.8 %), and the number of sewage connections to residential buildings by 104.1 thousand units (by 3.1 %).

Publication Registered unemployment I quarter 2020

The number and structure of the unemployed registered in labour offices broken down by demographic and socio-economic characteristics, duration of joblessness, and the last job.The data concerning unemployment fluctuation: inflow and outflow by various reasons. Unemployment rate for Poland, as well as for the European Union.

Publication The demand for labour in 2019

Number of employed persons and the number and structure of vacancies, including newly created and vacancies reported to labor offices. Information about newly created and liquidated jobs.

Table Tourists in tourist accommodation establishments. April 2020

Foreign and domestic tourists using the accommodation base and granted accommodation in tourist accommodation facilities with 10 or more beds.

Publication Selected entrepreneurship indicators in 2014-2018

In the publication, the entities with different growth potential, such as high-growth, growth, stable, declining and rapidly declining, were distinguished from the population of non-financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, that keep books of accounts.

Table Registered unemployed persons and unemployment rate. As at the end of May 2020

Registered unemployed persons and unemployment rate by macroregion, region and subregions. As at the end of May 2020.

Statistics in focus Production of industrial products related to the prevention of spreading / combating COVID-19 in May 2020

In May 2020 entities having 50 or more persons employed and participating in the monthly survey of production of industrial products, on voluntary basis additionally reported production of 2 044 715 face masks used in medicine and 22 149 899 other protective face masks.

Statistics in focus Border traffic and expenses made by foreigners in Poland and by Poles abroad in the 1st quarter of 2020

In the 1st quarter of 2020, a decrease in border traffic was observed compared to the same period of the previous year – of foreigners by 11.7%, of Poles by 10.7%.
1    301  302  303  304  305  306  307  308  309    581
