Statistics in focus Family benefits in 2020

In 2020, PLN 10.8 billion was allocated to support families in Poland in the form of family benefits, and they were used on average by nearly 2.0 million beneficiaries monthly. Benefits from the alimony fund were paid in the total amount of PLN 1.1 billion. As part of the government programme "Family 500 plus" PLN 40.0 billion was spent on child-raising benefits.

Publication Telecommunications in 2020

Characteristics: telecommunications data for 2020, including data on telecommunications enterprises, fixed telephony, mobile telephony, access to the Internet and pay TV.

Publication Social assistance, child and family services in 2020

Basic information characterizing stationary social welfare facilities. Selected data on beneficiaries and amounts of monetary and non-monetary benefits of social assistance granted on the basis of a decision. Data regarding benefits for families.

Publication Social Protection Satellite Account

The report "Social Protection Satellite Account" presents the methodology of the social protection satellite account. On its basis the early estimate of the satellite account in Poland as of 2015 was calculated.

Publication Management of non-profit organizations in 2019

The synthetic publication presenting results of a study human resources and information management in the non-profit organizations. The research entities include associations and similar organizations, foundations, faith-based charities and business and professional associations. The executive board characteristics, personnel motivating, planning and communications with the external environments, shell be presented, as well as synthetic indicators of management professionalism.

Publication Transport - activity results in 2020

Information on: types of transport, traffic network (by voivodships), transport fleet (by type) and registered vehicles (by type of vehicles and voivodships), goods and passenger transport (by types of transport and direction)...

Table Tourists in tourist accommodation establishments. July 2021

Tourists (domestic and foreign) in tourist accommodation establishments possesing 10 or more bed places in 2021.

Publication Business tendency in manufacturing, construction, trade and services 2000-2021 (September 2021)

Assessment of the situation in manufacturing, construction, trade and services (with in-depth presentation of results in accommodation and food service activities) is based upon the subjective opinions about actual and future business situation expressed by the directors of the surveyed companies.

Publication Macroeconomic situation in Poland in the context of the world economic processes in 2020

Macroeconomic phenomena and selected social issues in Poland in the context of processes in the global economy, including European Union countries: macroeconomic situation, labour markets, public finance sector, financial markets. The course of processes over a year 2020 as well as in a longer time perspective.
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