Publication Specialized Financial Market Segments in 2020

Description of the conditions of the macroeconomic situation in Poland and in the world in the context of the activities of enterprises included in the selected specialized segments of the financial market. Presentation of the results of the annual survey of leasing, factoring, debt collection and financial intermediation companies..

Statistics in focus Consumer tendency - December 2021

In December 2021, there was a deterioration in both current and future consumer sentiment moods compared to the previous month. The current consumer confidence indicator, synthetically describing the current trends in individual consumption, was -27.3a which was by 4.0 p.p. lower in relation to last month.

Publication Methodological report Accidents at work

The report presents the methodological and organisational principles of the “Accidents at work” survey.

Statistics in focus Retail sales index - November 2021

In November 2021 retail sales[1] at constant prices were by 12.1% higher than the year before (against a decrease of 5.3% in November 2020). Compared with October 2021 retail sales decreased by 1.0%. In the period of January-November[2] 2021 retail sales y/y were by 7.7% higher (against a decrease of 3.1% in 2020).

Statistics in focus Index numbers of construction and assembly production in November 2021

According to preliminary data, in November 2021, construction and assembly production (in constant prices) carried out domestically by construction enterprises employing more than 9 persons was by 12.7% higher than in the corresponding period of 2020 (a decrease of 4.9% the year before) and by 8.9% higher compared to October 2021 (an increase of 0.6% the year before).

Statistics in focus Activities Of Associations And Similar Organizations, Foundations, Faith-based charities, Business and Professional Associations In 2020 - preliminary results

In 2020, there were 95.2 thousand registered nonprofit organizations. They had 150.3 thousand fulltime jobs, which accounted for 1.4% of the average employment in the national economy.

Publication Economic activity of enterprises with foreign capital in 2020

He publication presents data concerning the value and structure of capital (including foreign capital) in the entities with foreign capital, country of its origin and basic financial results and economic indicators characterising the activity conducted by these entities.

Statistics in focus Business tendency in manufacturing, construction, trade and services - December 2021

In most of presented kinds of activities general business climate indicator in December is at a lower level than in the previous month. In the majority of researched areas deterioration of “forecast” components has been reported, whereas “diagnostic” ones decrease or do not change.

Publication Gross domestic product - regional accounts in the years 2017-2019

An analysis of the level and dynamics of economic development of regions and subregions as well as changes in the structure of the economy in spatial approach. An analytical description containing characteristics of the territorial diversity of selected macroeconomic categories – gross domestic product, gross value added and disposable income of households, compiled in accordance with the statistical division of Poland into NUTS units.

Statistics in focus Price indices of construction and assembly production in November 2021

According to preliminary data, in November 2021 the prices of construction and assembly production in comparison with the corresponding month of the previous year increased by 6.7%, and in comparison with October 2021 - by 1.2%.
1    221  222  223  224  225  226  227  228  229    594
