Statistics Poland's Day

On March 9, we celebrate the Statistics Poland's Day, established by the Committee of Statistics and Econometrics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. This year also marks the centenary of the first general census in the reborn Republic of Poland on May 13, 1921. The Sejm of the Republic of Poland set the date of the first census in Poland on September 30, 1921.

Statistics in focus Producer price indices for business services in the fourth quarter of 2020

In the fourth quarter of 2020, prices of the providers of business-related services increased by 0.1% compared to the previous quarter. Compared to the fourth quarter of 2019, the prices increased by 1.1%.

Statistics in focus The demand for labour in the fourth quarter of 2020

At the end of the fourth quarter of 2020, the number of job vacancies in Poland, in the entities of the national economy (parental units or their local units) employing at least 1 person, was 84.4 thousand and was 6.7 thousand or 7.4% lower than at the end of the third quarter of 2020. As compared to the end of the fourth quarter of 2019, the number of vacancies was lower by 41.0 thousand i.e. 32.7%. At the end of the fourth quarter of 2020, there were17.5 thousand unoccupied newly created jobs.

Another success of Polish statisticians!

From February 26 to March 5, 2021, the third edition of the European Big Data Hackathon took place, organized by the European Commission (Eurostat).

Publication Statistical Yearbook of Industry - Poland 2020

Units conducting economic activity, sold production, price indices, output, intermediate consumption, gross value added, production of major goods, finances of enterprises, employment and productivity of labour, working time and working conditions, wages and salaries...

Statistics in focus Facilities for improving physical condition in 2020.

In 2020, the vast majority of services offered in facilities for improving physical condition are fitness activities (approx. 85%) and gym training (approx. 81%). In addition, the facilities also offered other services such as sauna, martial arts, dancing, yoga and aqua aerobics.

Statistics in focus Consumer price indices by voivodships in the fourth quarter of 2020

Consumer price indices by voivodships in the fourth quarter of 2020
1    221  222  223  224  225  226  227  228  229    544
