Occupancy of tourist accommodation establish ments in Poland in August and September 2021
In August 2021, 3.9 million tourists were
accommodated in tourist accommodation
establishments and 12.7 million overnight stays
were provided for them. Compared to August
2020, it was more by 20.1% and 18.8%
respectively. An increase in the number of tourists
was also recorded in September 2021, when the
number of tourists accommodated was 36.5%
higher and the number of overnight stays
provided 28.1% higher.
Yearbook of Labour Statistics 2021
The publication presents data for 2019 and 2020 on the economic activity of the Polish population, employed persons, labour turnover and vacancies, unemployed persons, working conditions (the working time structure, strikes, working conditions at the workplace, accidents at work), labour costs and wages and salaries (the wages and salaries fund as well as average monthly nominal and real wages and salaries, wages and salaries by position and job, the structure of full-time employees by wages and salaries). The publication shows changes occurring on Polish labour market as well as essential information on labour market in EU countries.
Consumption of fuels and energy carriers in 2020
Presentation of data on the consumption of selected fuels and energy carriers: hard coal, natural gas, liquid gas, light fuel oil, heavy fuel oil, heat and electricity.
Disabled people in 2020
At the end of 2020, the majority of disabled persons
working in medium and large enterprises were
employed in the private sector (76.0%). More than
half of employed disabled persons worked in the
section administrative and support service
activities (104.0 thousand) and in the section
manufacturing (79.6 thousand).
Education in the 2020/2021 school year
Information on pre-primary establishments, primary schools, stage I and II sectoral vocational schools, technical secondary schools, general secondary schools, art schools, post-secondary schools, special schools. The presentation of data on schools, students, graduates, teachers, sections, grades, results of eighth grader examination and secondary school matriculation examination as well as pre-primary education and selected forms of child and youth care. Apart from tabular part, executive summary and methodological notes.
Agriculture in 2020
An evaluation of situation in in agriculture in terms of changes in the production - economic conditions and production results (harvest quantity, trends in changes of farm animals population as well as the level of production and market supply of animal products), including consumption of means of production. Presentation of foreign trade turnover of basic agricultural products.
Means of production in agriculture in the 2019/20 farming year
The use of fertilisers in the 2019/2020 farming year by groups of mineral fertilisers, i.e. nitrogenous, phosphate, potassium and calcium fertilisers, by distinguishing a group of calcium-magnesium fertilisers and natural fertilisers. Information on the supply with some means of production, among others, fertilisers, plant protection products, industrial foodstuffs and sown material in 2020.
Financial economy of local government units 2020
Information on the implementation of budgets of various levels of local government units, general principles of the budget economy of local governments, including systemic and legislative changes, processes presented on a multi-annual basis.
Environment 2021
It contains a synthetic presentation of a comprehensive set of results of statistical surveys, the functioning sub-systems of the State Environmental Monitoring and administrative sources characterising the state, hazards and protection of the environment in 2020 compared to previous years. Data concerns the natural conditions and individual components of the environment, the issues related to waste, radiation and noise, the activities aimed at protecting and controlling the environment.
Price index of investment goods for the 3th quarter of 2021
Price index of investment goods in the third quarter 2021 (related to the second quarter of 2020) was 10130 (the prices increased by 3.0%).