Statistical Yearbook of Industry - Poland 2023

Date of publication: | 29.02.2024 |
Frequency of publication: | annual edition |
Units conducting economic activity, sold production, price indices, output, intermediate consumption, gross value added, production of major goods, finances of enterprises, employment and productivity of labour, working time and working conditions, wages and salaries, investment outlays, fixed assets, foreign trade of industrial products, energy statistics and materials management in industry, technology and using information and communication technologies, environmental threats and protection. |
By: | voivodships, ownership sectors, sections and divisions of NACE Rev.2, basic data on industry by groups and certain classes of NACE Rev.2; the quantity of manufactured goods by the Polish Classification of Products and Services (PKWiU); the value of sold production of goods by divisions and classes of PKWiU; exports and imports by sections and divisions of NACE Rev.2, exports and imports of industrial goods by divisions of PKWiU. |