Producer price indices for business services in the second quarter of 2022

In the second quarter of 2022, the producer prices for business services increased compared to the previous quarter by 2.5% and compared to the second quarter of 2021 by 6.8%.
In the second quarter of 2022, there was an increase in prices in all surveyed kinds of business services compared to the previous quarter. The highest increase occurred in travel agency, tour operator reservation service and related activities, i.e. by 10.9% (the prices of services of tour operators had the largest share in this increase). Subsequently, the prices of rental and leasing activities increased by 3.4% (the rental and leasing prices of passanger cars rose the most) and publishing activities – the increase by 3.0% (the significant increase was noticed i.a. in the prices of publishing of newspapers, magazines and software). The lowest increase was observed in the prices of advertising and market research (by 1.4%), services to buildings and landscape activities (by 1.2%), as well as security and investigation activities (by 0.3%).