The CSO information on the updated 2016 – 2017 quarterly GDP estimate

According to the final estimate gross domestic product (GDP) in 2016 grew by 3.0 % against 2.9 % previously published. The real growth of GDP in 2017 did not change and it was 4.6 %.
Together with “The release on general government deficit and debt in 2017”, the Statistics Poland issues hereby updated 2016-2017 (annual and quarterly) GDP estimates.
The data on GDP and its elements was revised in comparison with the previously published estimates because of:
- making the final estimate of GDP for 2016,
- taking into consideration more complete information about the results for the whole 2017 in terms of corporate finance, foreign trade in goods and services, developing results for April general government deficit and debt needs and the related revision of the non-financial quarterly accounts for the general government sector and the use of available data from administrative sources.