Water supply system and sewage management in Poland in 2017

In Poland in 2017, the length of the sewage network increased by over 2.8 thous. km (by 1.8%), and the number of sewage connections to buildings by 82.2 thous. pcs (by 2.5%).
The sewage network
In 2017, the sewage network in Poland reached the length of 156.8 thous. km and the number of connections to residential buildings – 3.3 mln pcs. As compared to the previous year, the length of the newly built or reconstructed sewage network increased by approx. 2.8 thous. km, i.e. by 1.8%, with a simultaneous increase in the number of connections by almost 82 thous. pcs, i.e. by 2.5%.
In rural areas there was 58.7% of sewage network and 45.3% of all connections to residential buildings. As compared to the previous year, the length of the network in rural areas increased by 1.6 thous. km (by 1.7%) and the number of connections by over 35 thous. pcs (by 2.4%). In the corresponding period 1.2 thous. km of network (increase by 1.9%) and over 46 thous. pcs of connections (increase by 2.6%) were constructed in urban areas.
As far as individual voivodships are concerned, the most significant increase in the sewage network compared to 2016 was observed in the voivodships: mazowieckie – of 3.6%, dolnośląskie and łódzkie – of 3.0%, and the lowest increase in lubuskie – of 0.9% and kujawsko-pomorskie – of 1.0%.
As a result of the update of the length measurements of the sewage network carried out in individual municipalities of the świętokrzyskie and lubelskie voivodships, there was observed a decrease of the length of network.
The highest sewage network density in 2017 was observed in śląskie – 132 km per 100 km2, and małopolskie voivodship – 105 km per 100 km2, and the lowest in podlaskie – 18 km per 100 km2, and lubelskie voivodship – 26 km per 100 km2.