Municipal infrastructure in 2019

In 2019, the sewage network in Poland reached the length of 165.1 thousand km, and the number of connections to residential buildings was 3.5 million. Compared to the previous year, the length of the newly built or reconstructed sewage network increased by approx. 4.4 thousand km, i.e. by 2.8 %, with a simultaneous increase in the number of connections of over 104 thousand units, i.e. of 3.1 %.
In rural areas, 59.3 % of the sewage network and 45.9 % of all sewage connections to residential buildings was located. Compared to the previous year, the length of the sewage network in rural areas increased by 3.1 thousand km (by 3.3 %) and the number of connections by over 64 thousand units (by 4.2 %). In the same period, 1.3 thousand km of the sewage network (an increase of 2 %) and nearly 40 thousand units of connections (an increase of 2.2 %) were installed in urban areas.