Housing economy in Poland in 2018

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In Poland, as of the end of 2018, there were recorded 14.6 million dwellings (an increase of 1.2 % as compared with the end of 2017) with the total useful floor area of 1 084.2 million m2, with 55.9 million rooms.

More than 9.9 million dwellings with the useful floor area of 637.8 million m2 and 35.1 million rooms were located in urban areas. About 4.8 million dwellings with the useful floor area of 446.3 million m2 and 20.7 million rooms were located in rural areas. In urban areas the number of dwellings increased by 125.1 thousand (by 1.3 %), while in rural areas the increase was of 50.2 thousand (of 1.1 %).

