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Content 15
Methodological report. Supporting the family and foster care system
11.07.2024 -
The goal of the study is to present the methodology of research on institutional and family foster care and day-support centres providing care and education to children as well as the youths who are entirely or partially deprived of care and support from their natural families. The survey “Family... Topics / Children and family / Family
Methodological report Distribution of wages and salaries in the national economy
21.06.2024 -
Document is devoted to the methodology of surveying wages and salaries in the national economy based on administrative data sources. The primary objective of the survey on Distribution of wages and salaries in the national economy was to test the possibility of providing information on average... Topics / Labour Market / Methodical rules, Yearbook of Labour
Methodological report - Distribution of wages and salaries in the national economy
21.06.2024 -
Document is devoted to the methodology of surveying wages and salaries in the national economy based on administrative data sources. The primary objective of the survey on Distribution of wages and salaries in the national economy was to test the possibility of providing information on average... Topics / Labour Market / Methodical rules, Yearbook of Labour
Methodological report. Working conditions - exposure to risk factors at work
20.03.2024 -
This report presents the methodological principles and a description of the organisation of the "Working Conditions" survey. “Working conditions” is one of the surveys conducted by Statistics Poland. The aim of the survey is to provide information about employees exposed to risk factors in the... Topics / Labour Market / Methodical rules, Yearbook of Labour
Methodological report. Statistics on labour market, wages and salaries
22.03.2023 -
We are pleased to present the methodological report, which updates the Methodological report on labour market and wages and salaries statistics from 2021. The idea of the authors is to maintain the report as a guide to labour market statistics conducted in the field of various surveys. Thus, in... Topics / Labour Market / Methodical rules, Yearbook of Labour
Methodological report. Research and experimental development
30.09.2022 -
The following publication presents the methodology of the conducted survey on research and experimental development. It comprises of seven chapters. The first chapter concerns subjective and objective scope of the survey, the second one the survey type and method. In the subsequent chapters data... Topics / Science and Technology / Science and Technology
Methodological report. Supporting the family and foster care system
09.09.2022 -
We would like to present to you the methodological study “Family support and foster care system” developed by the Centre of Social Assistance Statistics in the Statistical Office in Krakow. The goal of the study is to present the methodology of research on institutional and family foster care and... Topics / Children and family / Family
Methodological report. Health and health care statistics − Statistics Poland’s reports
18.08.2022 -
The description of the surveys contained in this report is based on the statistical survey programme of official statistics for 2020, introduced by the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 11 October 2019 on the programme of statistical surveys of official statistics for 2020 (Journal of Laws... Topics / Health / Health
Methodological report. Information society indicators. Surveys on the use of information and communication technologies
04.05.2022 -
The present edition of the methodological report Information society indicators. ICT usage surveys is an updated version of the previous publication of the same title issued in 2019. An aim of preparing the methodological report is acquainting recipients with current information regarding surveys... Topics / Science and Technology / Information society
Methodological report. Information society indicators. Surveys on the use of information and communication technologies
21.02.2022 -
New information and communication technologies (ICT) are one of the key factors changing the world. Their continuous development and ubiquitous availability of digital products constitute a priority supporting the economic and social development of the state. Information has become one of the main... Topics / Science and Technology / Information society
Methodological report. Industrial production surveys
26.10.2021 -
The purpose of the publication is to familiarize users with the area of survey on industrial production conducted by Statistics Poland and the information they can obtain on the basis thereof. The Methodological report presents information on data sources used in monthly and annual surveys of... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry
Methodological report. Statistics on labour market, wages and salaries
22.03.2021 -
We are pleased to present the methodological report, which updates the Methodological report on labour market and wages and salaries statistics, recently issued in 2018. The idea of the authors is to maintain the report as a guide to labour market statistics conducted in the field of various... Topics / Labour Market / Methodical rules, Yearbook of Labour
Methodological report - Households condition survey (consumer attitudes)
26.02.2021 -
The purpose of the households condition survey is to know the attitudes (behavior) of consumers and obtain their indicators showing changes over time. Diagnostic and prognostic indicators create the possibility of conducting structural analyzes and analyzes of consumption trends. The results of... Topics / Living conditions / Living conditions
Methodological report - Migration of population
01.07.2020 -
We provide the Readers with Methodological Handbook, entitled Migration of population, which discusses statistical surveys on internal and international migrations, conducted in accordance with the Program for official statistics. Migration of population is the basic element and form of spatial... Topics / Population / International migration
Methodological report. Monthly activity report of enterprises
01.10.2019 -
Monthly activity report of enterprises, which presents information on a survey conducted by Statistics Poland, constituting the basic element of short-term surveys of activity of enterprises. The Methodological report discusses scope and content, the assumed survey methods and principles of... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies