Selected aspects of the labour market in Poland in 2022

Date of publication: | 30.11.2023 |
Frequency of publication: | annual edition |
The current issue of the publication is mostly devoted to the characteristics of the economic activity of the population in 2022. It presents information on particular populations specified according to the status of persons in the labour market (employed, unemployed and economically inactive) combined with a description of the socio-demographic and occupational characteristics. In some aspects, the description of the state in 2022 has been complemented with comparisons in the time series covering the years 2010, 2015, 2019 and 2021. In order to describe the labour market situation in 2022 and to make comparisons within the time series two data sources were used: the Badanie Aktywności Ekonomicznej Ludności (the Polish Labour Force Survey - LFS) and data on registered unemployment. |
By: | selected socio-demographic and occupational characteristics of persons: age, sex, level of education as well as selected characteristics of the workplaces by NACE. Data for Poland by voivodship, urban and rural areas as well as powiats (in the scope of registered unemployment rate). |