Employment, wages and salaries in national economy in 1st half 2015

Date of publication: | 29.09.2015 |
Frequency of publication: | quarterly edition |
In the first half of 2015, average monthly gross wages and salaries in the national economy amounted to 3953.72 zl, i.e. at the level higher by 3.6% than in the same period of the last year. In the public sector they amounted to 4481.42 zl (an increase by 2.5% as compared to the same period of the last year), while in the private sector they amounted to 3721.11 zl (an increase by 4.2%). The buying power of the average monthly gross wages and salaries in the national economy was by 5.0% higher than last year. The increase was higher than the respective increase observed last year (the previous year it was 3.5%). Compared to the first half of 2014, an increase in wages and salaries was observed in all sections; the highest growth was observed in sections: administrative and support service activities (by 5.7%), information and communication (by 5.5%), financial and insurance activities (by 4.9%), professional, scientific and technical activities (by 4.7%), construction (by 4.6%), accommodation and catering (by 4.5%), trade, repair of motor vehicles (by 4.3%). The lowest growth in wages and salaries was observed in mining and quarrying (by 0.4%), transportation and storage (by 1.3%), and in public administration and defence; compulsory social security (by 2.5%). |
By: | regions, voivodships, sections and divisions of PKD 2007, ownership sectors, forms of financing |