Registered unemployed persons adjusted seasonally since 2011

Number of registered unemployed compensated for seasonally in 2011-2024 (in thousands)*
Rok/Miesiąc Year/Month |
Styczeń January |
Luty February |
Marzec March |
Kwiecień April |
Maj May |
Czerwiec June |
Lipiec July |
Sierpień August |
Wrzesień September |
Październik October |
Listopad November |
Grudzień December |
2011 | 1963,7 | 1978,5 | 1989,8 | 1983,7 | 1972,2 | 1960,6 | 1954,6 | 1951,9 | 1956,0 | 1961,7 | 1966,1 | 1972,5 |
2012 | 1982,0 | 1995,0 | 2003,9 | 2012,1 | 2025,9 | 2040,4 | 2049,0 | 2061,6 | 2077,0 | 2094,0 | 2111,1 | 2127,6 |
2013 | 2144,0 | 2155,8 | 2172,6 | 2190,2 | 2191,6 | 2190,9 | 2189,2 | 2183,1 | 2180,9 | 2177,0 | 2169,0 | 2147,4 |
2014 | 2115,1 | 2083,4 | 2052,6 | 2024,3 | 2001,3 | 1984,7 | 1963,5 | 1936,5 | 1904,9 | 1871,4 | 1844,4 | 1818,2 |
2015 | 1795,2 | 1774,2 | 1754,6 | 1737,8 | 1713,9 | 1683,8 | 1654,8 | 1629,7 | 1607,6 | 1587,2 | 1570,3 | 1556,9 |
2016 | 1543,6 | 1530,5 | 1511,6 | 1488,7 | 1467,6 | 1444,1 | 1419,3 | 1398,8 | 1380,7 | 1365,0 | 1347,7 | 1330,5 |
2017 | 1310,0 | 1284,2 | 1254,3 | 1228,7 | 1211,0 | 1195,1 | 1185,2 | 1176,6 | 1161,8 | 1114,6 | 1095,0 | 1079,2 |
2018 | 1064,3 | 1049,6 | 1036,7 | 1023,2 | 1010,7 | 1002,5 | 997,2 | 990,8 | 983,1 | 977,1 | 974,0 | 969,4 |
2019 | 962,1 | 950,0 | 936,0 | 921,5 | 912,1 | 905,5 | 898,7 | 891,8 | 882,5 | 875,3 | 871,6 | 869,4 |
2020 | 870,8 | 862,1 | 867,3 | 947,6 | 1016,7 | 1057,7 | 1060,4 | 1058,4 | 1058,6 | 1058,0 | 1054,5 | 1051,0 |
2021 | 1033,6 | 1034,0 | 1031,5 | 1033,4 | 1031,0 | 1020,9 | 1004,1 | 985,7 | 965,3 | 944,8 | 922,9 | 900,5 |
2022 | 880,7 | 868,2 | 864,2 | 862,0 | 853,9 | 842,0 | 833,3 | 828,1 | 826,3 | 824,6 | 820,9 | 817,1 |
2023 | 814,6 | 813,7 | 811,5 | 808,4 | 807,1 | 806,6 | 805,2 | 802,4 | 799,7 | 797,0 | 793,2 | 792,6 |
2024 | 794,6 | 794,3 | 788,9 | 784,4 | 782,9 | 785,0 | 788,3 | 791,4 | 792,4 | 792,5 | 792,8 | 790,4 |
* The data has been changed as compared to the previously published due to the renewal of models for seasonal adjustments.
Frequency of data release: monthly
Statistical concepts and definitions:
Unemployed person
Person aged 18 and more and has not reached the retirement age, is not employed and not performing any other kind of paid work, capable of work and ready to take full-time employment (or in case he/she is a disabled person— capable and ready to take work comprising no less than a half of working time), not attending school with the exception of schools for adults (or taking extra curriculum exam covering this school curriculum, as well as those studying at the stage II sectoral vocational school and post-secondary school, providing full-time, evening or weekend education) or tertiary schools in part—time programme, registered in the local labour office appropriate for their (permanent or temporary) place of residence, and seeking employment or any other income—generating work, with additional provisions concerning the sources of income, included in the law.
Available time series: monthly data
Available time series: January 2011 - December 2024
Disaggregation: Poland
Additional methodological notes
Seasonal adjustment by direct method, i.e. separately for individual variables, using the TRAMO/SEATS procedure as part of the JDEMETRA+ 2.2.2. package. Seasonal adjustment consists in elimination of the seasonal effect (annual, regular deviations trend, observed in annual cycle), and in case of series which may be influenced by calendar and working days effect (effects resulting from calendar layout and variability of the number of working days not having a seasonal effect) - elimination also those effects.
Prepared by: The Statistical Office in Bydgoszcz in cooperation with Statistical Office in Łódź
Available data formats: xlsx, csv