Victims of rape and domestic violence

Frequency of data release: annualy.
Type of observation period: yearly data
Available time series: 2013-2023
Statistical concepts and definitions:
Rape (art. 197 of the Criminal Code) includes getting another person to have sexual intercourse, to undergo another sexual act or to perform such activity.
Domestic violence (art. 207 of the Criminal Code) is understood as a physical or mental abuse of a close relative or other person remaining in a permanent or transient relationship of dependence on the perpetrator or over a minor or a person who is helpless due to his/her mental or physical condition.
An aggrieved party is a natural or legal person whose legal interest has been directly violated or threatened by a crime.
If the aggrieved party is a minor or incapacitated personally or partially, his/her rights are exercised by the statutory representative or the person under whose permanent care the victim remains.
If the aggrieved person is helpless, in particular due to age or state of health, his or her rights may be exercised by the person under whose care the victim remains.
Disaggregation: Poland; type of offense, sex, age groups
Additional methodological notes: Since 2015, data has not been collected obligatory. The percentage of victims of rape and domestic violence was calculated as the ratio of the number of victims to the population as at 30 June of a given calendar year.
Data source, datadisposer: Data sets of KSIP - the registry of the National Police Headquarters; results of surveys – Statistics Poland
Available data formats: xlsx, csv