Offences against life and health
Dataset: Validly sentenced by sex and age
Statistical concepts and definitions:
Convict - a natural person who has been found guilty of a criminal offence by a court in criminal proceedings, by a final judgment or by a criminal order and has been charged a penalty or a criminal measure. The perpetrator of a criminal act has the status of a convicted person from the moment the judgment becomes final, throughout the entire enforcement proceedings, until the conviction is blurred.
Adults convicts are persons who at the time of committing crime were at least 17 years old.
Juvenile offender - according to criminal law, is a person who at the time of crime committing is not 21 years old and at the moment of decreeing in the first instance court is not 24 years old (art. 115 § 10 of Criminal Code).
Frequency of data release: annualy
Type of observation period: yearly data
Available time series: 2010-2020
Disaggregation: Poland; sex, groups of age
Data source, datadisposer: Data sets from information systems of Ministry of Justice; results of surveys of statistics Poland
Available data formats: xlsx, csv
Dataset: Offences against life and health – homicide victims
Statistical concepts and definitions:
An aggrieved party is a natural or legal person whose legal interest has been directly violated or threatened by a crime.
If the aggrieved party is a minor or incapacitated personally or partially, his/her rights are exercised by the statutory representative or the person under whose permanent care the victim remains.
If the aggrieved person is helpless, in particular due to age or state of health, his or her rights may be exercised by the person under whose care the victim remains.
Homicide is penalized based on art. 148 of Criminal Code.
Infanticide – art. 149 of Criminal Code.
Attack on the President – art. 134 of Criminal Code.Available time series: 2010-2022
Disaggregation: Poland; sex, groups of age
Additional methodological notes: Data by age groups and sex are available since 2016. ICCS - International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes.
Data source, datadisposer: Data sets from the information systems of The Police Headquarters; results of surveys – Statistics Poland
Available data formats: xlsx, csv