Methodological report. Health and health care statistics − Statistics Poland’s reports

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Date of publication: 18.08.2022

The description of the surveys contained in this report is based on the statistical survey programme of official statistics for 2020, introduced by the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 11 October 2019 on the programme of statistical surveys of official statistics for 2020 (Journal of Laws 2019, item 2366, as amended).
The statistical surveys carried out within the framework of thematic block 1.29 Health and health care are both permanent and cyclical. The research covers a wide range of issues related to health care, such as: primary and specialist outpatient care, inpatient care, long-term care, health resort treatment, emergency medical services, operation of pharmacies and pharmacy outlets, as well as health condition of the population, blood donation, medical personnel or expenditure on health care.
The presented report is addressed to all those interested in health issues, people who report on them and to all those who use the output information on health and health care published by official statistics.

