Economic aspects of environmental protection 2021

The amount of outlays on fixed assets for environmental protection in 2021 amounted to approx. PLN 12.4 billion (compared to PLN 11.4 billion in 2020), and outlays on fixed assets for water management reached the level of approx. PLN 3.3 billion (PLN 2.7 billion in 2020). In 2021, outlays on environmental protection and water management accounted for 0.47% and 0.12% of GDP, respectively (0.49% and 0.11% in 2020, respectively).
As in previous years, enterprises are the main investor in outlays on fixed assets for environmental protection, followed by gminas, and then budgetary units. The group of investors with the highest share of outlays in the field of water management were budgetary units, then enterprises and gminas.