Economic aspects of environmental protection 2023

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The amount of outlays on fixed assets for environmental protection in 2023 amounted to approx. PLN 18.2 billion (compared to PLN 13.9 billion in 2022), and outlays on fixed assets for water management reached the level of approx. PLN 4.3 billion (PLN 4.0 billion in 2022). In 2023, outlays on environmental protection and water management accounted for 0.53% and 0.13% of GDP, respectively (0.45% and 0.13% in 2022, respectively).

Outlays on fixed assets for environmental protection and water management, similarly to the previous year trend were rising. The biggest year to year growth in investments in 2023 was seen in relation to wastewater management and water protection (by 1.9 billion PLN), air and climate protection (by 0.9 billion PLN), waste management (by 0.8 billion PLN) and on investments related to central heating, hot water supply and thermal insulation of buildings (by 0.8 billion PLN).

