Family benefits in 2022

In 2022, PLN 11.4 billion was allocated to support families in the form of family benefits. PLN 1.2 billion was spent on social security and health insurance contributions. In addition, PLN 3.5 billion was paid out from the family care capital, and PLN 1.4 billion under the "Good Start" programme. The Large Family Card was held by 1.5 million families. The total amount of alimony fund benefits paid was nearly PLN 1 billion. Under the government's "Family 500 plus" programme, PLN 41.9 billion was transferred for child-raising benefits.
In 2022, 11.4 billion zlotys were allocated for family benefits, aimed at financially supporting families with children or persons with disabilities, i.e. by PLN 388.1 million (by 3.5%) more than in 2021. These benefits were used by an average of 1.5 million beneficiaries per month, and on average 3.2 million benefits were paid per month. The largest amount of funds, as in 2021, was spent on assistance directed to people with disabilities, i.e. on care benefits, which accounted for 69.8% of total spending. Expenditures on aid directed to families with children, i.e. family allowances with supplements, childbirth allowances and parental benefits, accounted for 30.2% of the total amount of expenditures.