Pig population as of June 2023

According to preliminary data, the population of pigs* in June 2023 was 9436.3 thousand heads showing a decrease of 1.8% compared to the analogical period last year. The reduction in numbers occurred in four groups of pigs, in particular in the fattening pigs, where it was 4.8%.
At the beginning of June 2023, the pig population amounted to 9463.3 thousand heads and was lower by 174.9thousand heads (by 1.8%) than the state recorded in the analogical period of 2022, and compared with the number of pigs in December 2022 –lower by 187 thousands heads, i.e. by 2.0%.
*Preliminary generalised results of a representative survey of pig population and pig production comprising:
- all holdings of legal persons and unincorporated entities,
- selected individual holdings (30 thousand holdings - sample of approximately 2.0%).